2016-10-07 by:CAE仿真在線 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
Pie-shape Meshing in ICEM CFD
The geometry has been created in DesignModeler.
1. Create a body point of the geometry.
2. Create a block.

3. Merge vertices to produce a prism block

4. Associate vertices to points so that the block can fit the geometry.

5. Convert the block type to Y-type

6. In order to smooth the mesh at the circle curves, one additional point is created at each circle curve.

7. Associate the two vertices to the two points created at step 6.

8. Set the global mesh size and then update mesh.

相關(guān)標(biāo)簽搜索:扇形Y-Block網(wǎng)格劃分 ICEM網(wǎng)格劃分培訓(xùn) icem培訓(xùn)課程 icem學(xué)習(xí) icem視頻教程 icem技術(shù)學(xué)習(xí)教程 icem軟件教程 icem資料下載 icem代做 ICem基礎(chǔ)知識 Fluent、CFX流體分析 HFSS電磁分析 Ansys培訓(xùn)